Theater Department
Welcome to the New Bingpix Gallery of the Binghamton University Theater Dept. It is a work in progress, but eventually all pictures that were taken, all the way back to the 1970's, will appear for each show. Currently, many of the early shows are represented by a small number of photos. Keep an eye out for more!
An original dance production Directed/Choreographed by David Wynen
Associate Choreography by Neva Kenny
Performing in Watters Theater
8 p.m. March 4–5 and 2 p.m. March 5–6, 2022


Natalie Destro
Stamatia Dimitriou
RJ Fox
Zoe Geisser
Mijiang He
Ashley Hong
Morgan Immoor
Allison Kujawa
Derek Kunz
Kaylie Nolan
Julia Rakus
Isabel Tozer
Emily Whittaker
Abbey Wilson
Min Zappa
Haley Zaslofsky
Emily KC Nguyen (Dance Captain)

Creative and Management


Stage Manager ............. Jessica Kiss
Production Management Advisor ............. Olivia O'Brien
Asst. Stage Managers ............ Aidan Kapuschinsky, Wencong Qin


Scenic Designer ............. Laura Fine Hawkes
Technical Director ............. Chris Hawkes
Asst. Technical Directors ............. Mia Jumbo and Scott Selmeski
Props Master............. Mia Jumbo
Scenic Artist............. Clarence Hause


Costume Designer ............. Devon Painter
Assistant to Costume Designer ............. Maria Ovsepian
Costume Shop Manager ............. Marisa Wade
Costume Construction Specialist ............. Heather Hirvela


Lighting Designer ............. Steve Carmichael
Master Electrician ............. Shawn Salick


Sound Designer ............. Paul Guardiola


COSTUMES: Andrew Ajaka, Briana Ibañez, Joshua Schull

DECK: Alfredo Del Castillo

LIGHT Board Op: Alexandra Blum

SPOT OP: Julianna Mpazicos 

SOUND BOARD OP: Samuel Santos